Swedish Massage consists of a series of long, flowing strokes over the surface of the body. This form of massage helps promote a deep sense of relaxation and eases muscle tension. It also increases overall circulation and oxygen flow in the blood. Swedish Massage helps maintain the functioning of healthy immune and lymphatic systems through the release of toxins (i.e. lactic acid) from muscles.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage uses a slow, deep sustained pressure directly on muscles that hold a higher level of tension. This promotes an effective release of muscle by allowing an increased flow of blood into the tissues and cells.
NeuroMuscular Therapy
NeuroMuscular Therapy (NMT) is a very specific form of massage that relieves pain and muscular dysfunction often due to injury or muscular-skeletal imbalance. This therapy focuses on the release of muscular tension by direct application of pressure on the origin and insertion of muscles to facilitate the greatest release. It can also achieve the reduction of trigger points (areas of high neurological activity) that may refer pain to other parts of the body. Another important benefit of NMT is restoring proper balance through the improvement of posture.